Little Libraries

We have exciting news! Two new little libraries were installed in Granite Bay over the weekend… and there will be 8 more to follow!

Susan Hogg, from Friends of the Granite Bay Library, is leading the volunteer committee for Granite Bay’s 10 new little libraries. This mighty group of volunteers includes the Friends of the Granite Bay Library, the Scouts, the Granite Bay Rotary, the East Roseville Parkway Master Association, Granite Bay Hills, private donors and many other volunteers. The first two little libraries were made by Scout Caleb Reading and were installed in two mobile home parks in Granite Bay. He and other Scouts distributed flyers to residents flyers to let them know about the new little library. Little Ariel was the first patron, and then bicycled home with her new book. We are heartened by the tremendous community response to the little library project. Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far!

Keep an eye out for the next unveiling!